Saturday, April 23, 2011

Competition Arising - S. Gilchrist, Oct 1945

                                                                               9 Langstile Rd.
Thur. 8th Oct. '45

My dear Ni,

     Hello There, kid, remember me.  Frankly I would be in no way surprised if you didn't but to refresh your memory I'm the guy who doesn't sign his letters.  Sorry about that but as a matter of fact its an old habit of mine, I've had complaints about it before, however the unmistakeable spelling & grammar or lack of it should be trademark enough.

     You keep bawling about me not answering your questions so I'll see what I can remember up
Incidentally 'Speer' is an old Scots word meaning to ask questions.  You asked about Clarkie.  Well I met the long one in Swansea just a few weeks ago & he was terrific as usual.  He's packing the sea up early next year & taking over a yacht booking business on the Riviera.  He was suggesting it might be a good idea if I came in with him, it might at that, but I guess I'm a deep sea man for good.  Another item of news that may interest you is that Mrs. Thomas Madison Pallas became a proud mother just a few weeks ago.  I dont know the sex of the creature because I forgot to ask.

     As for me things are pretty much the same, except that i have been kicking around with a young woman for a while.  She's a friend of my sisters, one Miss Ina Briton & a good kid but I dont see much of her, for I'm busy as hell at the Tech just now.  The three of us were at the ballet when it was here a fortnight ago & never having seen 'Swan Lake" before they were enchanted.  But, what the hell, I've seen it umpteen times & I was enchanted too.

     My examinations are on Nov. 20th & 21st & just one week after that I will have another birthday coming off.  Twenty-four, ye gods, I feel positively decrepit.  On this sad note I'll say goodbye again, my Ni.

Good Luck kid

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